الأربعاء، 11 مارس 2015

Habiballa Abakar Mohamed Ahmed

Habiballa Abakar Mohamed Ahmed
Graphic Designer

Artist and strong designer
Art Exhibitions:
-         Sudan Council for letters ( private   exhibition (water color painting - 1990)
-          French Council  at Khartoum (private   exhibition (water color painting - 1986)
-         Libya Arabic youth for letters  ( group   exhibition (water color painting - 1991)
-         Malta  - Valetta  ( private   exhibition (water color painting - 1992)
-         Germany at Limburg  ( private   exhibition (water color painting - 1993)
-         Germany at Wisbaden  ( private   exhibition (water color painting - 1994)

Taugh Art at Libya Zwara ( Elweehda Elarabia For teacher Institute 1990 -1992).
As a leader for team leader and translator from English to Arabic and apposite ( Elgenina – western Darfur Sudan- 2004 for  4 months)
As a Supervisor  forArt teachers  ( Elgenina – western Darfour Sudan 2004  for  2months)
Praivtae Computer director:
Product media ( printing – designer – Adobephotoshope – 3dmX - …ect from  2007 until 2015)
I serviced with Sudan People Liberation  Movement –Southern Sudan in position sectary Assistance at Khartoum 2005 until 2007 – and SPLM for 2 years at EKAWDAD at position of Soldier Clarke for Champion  Brigadier .
-         I have a registries invention under the name (Electronic Computer Pen – 2001 ).
-         I have invention how to create honey without bees
-         I have several scientific theory not registries until now
-         I have drug treatment anti-cancer ( under testing) and   Rheumatoid arthritis its give for  Rheumatoid arthritis 100%  recovery from illness.
-         I have new theory about ligt waves
-         I have new theory about mass 
-         I have new theory explain  gravity
-         I have new theory explain  electric
-         I have new theory explain  why the light become electric throw the solar system
-         I have new theory explain  the transparent body can't  transferring the light ( explain why the diamond !
-         May theory need to who  assisted . to produce it commercially.
BA. :
College of fine and applied art – Department (Printing & Binding) (1985 -1989)
Sudan University For Science & technology
Birth day: 01/01/1965
Place of birth: Omdurman
Nationality: Sudanese
Residence: KSA

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