Important for all scientist:
I have new theory eplain that the light deffinition is wrong and give corret deffintion of light and what is energy came frome and give us how the atoms is created
I want to make master degree according to my theory..ect
Habiballa Ahmed <>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2018 15:18:15 -0700
Subject: New theory explaine all phonanamey. And what is light and new constractur for atom and nuclar and who is electric and the transperent material is not transpirent
My theor look stranges but it is true.
Iam arabic speaker my English so bad but I will try to expllain please little panetion with me.
I am Habiballa Abakar Mohamed Ahmed.
I am Artist graphic designer
Gradute from collge of fine and Applied Art Khartoum Sudan
My mobile contac is +249961529854
My new theory I call it as a (The Complate Theory for Universe).
Let use start with:
The Big bang:
All the scientist of Nasa tell us the the universe had been created by B. bang, its wrong the the B. bange its 2 explosivation one for the pure energy which I call it the basic energy field for universe whole universe I supposed it Ather field for the Universe. This Ather...... is supper energy give us all sort of energy we know.
How the material is create
Its so eazy now to explain to you what is Black hole or Neutron Stars who it can be.
It is just the Ether which I suposed it above... when some part of it had got an movement on the path direction it will creat an electric on the the head of it, why that? Because the energy has some magenatic efection and then a some magenatic get movement in carve path into the whole magec. Of course creat a iner electric and the... and when create iner electric in ifentive divernt range of it is intanstey you call it neutron pistron and of course will creat private field the mass is born now ...elc.
More explaine contac me.
In short explain this is a Neutron stars should be start and must be twin as mirror object and image but all is true.
When this Neutron ..... elc it will explosive as second Big bang. Here the Gelaxies will born and the metrial of course will been created (new constrauction for atoms my theory give it now).
Then shortly what is light ?
Ligt is not photonic but its wave but its not started move frome source oky to explaine this I devided the B. bang to tow firs and second the first still now is energy behaind the compaine of the skeis of Gellaxies. And it shoud be a heater = to highiest point for black hole at point tillting to be explosivetion. ...... more explaine just contact me..
Then when the privat field of Gellaxeis of Sun group of .. earth field on some earia in side nasa when one person light a light or one pice of mutch it will be a light source but it this light source it is a just like stone when some body throw it into river you see the water start to move in wave serical but stone it be stone , look! The same action light source is just stone relative to the earth field the the earth field start to getting more movement than .... more frequnce mean give as a light spectroum magenatic field electric heat or energy we now or not. Then this is a light
Suposed the field of group of Gellaxies we live in it is( Ather Gellaxies group field = A#) whenvA# stomulating by some energy force (light source) it will getting more frequancey until spectrom range and more or less this is light. So the A# shortly is light in .. contac me.
My prove we see light for dead stars for long time.
My prove the carve in the light is got acording to earth field carve. As this equ. Contac me.
The Arourar when my field press the sun field up and sun field press it down then new frequnce give more movemen start then we see green light in the night.
Explaine the light in earth field from where is came .... contac me about this topic.
This is my discovered from more than rhree years I want help to prove it and it is stronge veiw and new phyisics law will born with my theory..
My greeting for Nasa Staff.
This is short of The my Copmlete theory about the Universe.. all aproch to be complet and last deffenatione. It is a time to give answer for most Qu's. by this theory.
Yourth sincerley'
Habiballa Ahmed